Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Drunken Scholar and My Aims Of Transmutation

I cherish talking drunken people because every bit of their words comes out by heart. Quite a few days back I got the same opportunity while I was traveling a rickety train journey. True, every train journey has become a zonking one now but passenger trains have been continuously adding to our gyp. The journey was made so protracted by the train, we friends had no topic left to state at. Then, perhaps to break that null, destiny brought a drunken person at a “halt”.
With no place to sit at (that is one property passenger trains may be described by), a taciturn person sniffing the drunk en’s breath and with a feeling of consternation adjusted a sit with him because he was being continuously rebuffed by the people around him and for no reason other than that he was drunk. The drunken person cuffed his sit-partner, blessing him of a good future and jokingly a full Indian cricket family. ”Don’t get so petrified, I am not a hoggish like The British who will engulf whole of your sit”, the drunken spoke in a funny way.
A person sitting besides us had reached his destination, thus, the drunken person was satiated to get an-ample-amount-sit space. Then started his smart talk to us! The first thing he acquainted us, he was a senior to us, so, wanted to share some of his experiences and entrust us with some edifications. Firstly, all of my friends were too rustic with no one giving any attention to his valuable talks. But as soon as he started opening his closed chapters of life and his experiences, I wondered the person had logic in every sentence he put before us though he was well drunk. He was really good in academics in his time. But he was somewhere kicked off by the destiny.
He was a Bihari like us. One thing he continuously confessed, he was till date using the money of his father to move his boat of life. He even took out handsome amount of money outside his pocket to show us the money, his father had provided him(only an innocent can do so in such an insidious world and that too in such a skimpy train where you don’t have an escape) to attend the marriage ceremony of an IPS. The person showed his party-attending-clothes put in a stout, he would wear to attend. The people around me started mumbling, the guy sitting besides us was a frustrated one and can’t do anything in life as he is good in academics but still is not able to make something gladdening in life. Also the people around were burbling , he smokes and drinks without letting his father know about it.
But I could see in him a self-importance which perhaps has lead him to such a situation. If one’s pride and conceit has become a frustration today, yes, the man was frustrated. If he doesn’t drink and smoke in front of his father, I consider it a rudimentary INDIAN culture where still a “son” has valuable respect for his father in front of whom one can’t drink or smoke! The man did well in every field of life, be it sports, academics, but could not do something that could own him enough subsist. I consider in it somewhere a fault of the society rather than telling him a frustrated guy. He reached at the top of his cricketing form by his hegemonies but the next stage that could take him to a level where he could show his talent to the whole of the world was suppressed by the power of money. “Mr. Santosh”, please submit Rs...... and you will get an opportunity to play in the game else there are many others waiting for this opportunity. What say...? And perhaps, here our country lost an extra-ordinary player. At this point I must admit, “Santosh”, you did not loose anything, our country did a lot!!!
Being a polymaniac, he went Gujrat to get his training there, but the proff. under whom it was to be done, somewhat and somewhere lacked nationality. He felt insulted looking a guy from Bihar was outstanding his competitors from Gujrat. Mr. Santosh was thus for no fault insulted, may be the reason nothing other than being a “scholar”, and wanted to show his talent to others. Here too, Santosh behaved with his characteristic aplomb. And now he is again nowhere. No, he is somewhere! He is here putting a fire in me to devastate people insulting and misusing such a “beautiful mind”. People, just forget judicious use of resources that move your life. Be pragmatic, rather than sticking to the same old and out fashioned ideas belittling scholars, first save your race which has been endangered, otherwise you will remain the same……the same tenacious looser!
I don’t claim myself a clairvoyant but one thing I am sure of and can state indisputably, might be today his self-Importance and his pride has let him down, but Santosh, remember one thing “TOMMORROW IS YOURS”. Be the same as you are. You have ignited it in me to an extent, I bet this fire will engulf the world, and for sure, the persons mumbling at you today will mumble again, but for another reason……


Blogger Aditya said...

Dude... gr8 article man... guess tells the story of lots of ppl victimised by the present society...

11:18 PM  
Blogger yugesh said...

yeah man!..perhaps u got the sentiments reflected by the post..thnx dude..hope i wud be graced in a regular pattern by ur lively comments..

11:21 PM  

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