Saturday, June 03, 2006

Congrats Media!!

An article from a media quotes...
"Six more IITs in the year 2008"
Under what grounds should I believe it? Why am I talking as if I have started believing media is just a bag of lies and deceives people to the full fledge. I think I have enough reason on ground of which I can state indisputably I have started behaving my uncharacteristic demeanour with the media.
I feel proud enough for my native place for educational developments it has made. Not in a city, not in a colony, my home is situated in a small village called Manpur Patwatoli in Gaya (Bihar), which has been year by year put on the map of the world by the Media. Congrats Media, you succeeded in your work, but I really feel sorry the way you made acquainted my land to the rest of the world. The place which had only counted number of tenth pass people (being not more than 10 or 12, that too very few by 1st div) has produced 47 IITians since 1997 and about 200 engineers from other state engg. colleges or central and deemed universities. No doubt, the figure is increasing exponentially day by day. Many people think that the village must be a giant, no; the village just contains about 1000 families of which only 700 of them have the capability to make their wards literate. Others lack economy even to provide their wards the education. Luckily, I belong to the first category.
Just 700 families and about 250 engineers in 10 yrs, the achievement is really appreciable and that is a reason why it has caught the attention of media. To add to the praise of the society, it's enough to state that 90% students are first generation learners. The very first time the media struck our localitiy was when I studied in 11th and was preparing for JEE inside of my room piled up with books and study materials relating JEE. I wonder, was I so much dedicated to my study for JEE, I do not recall any of developments and events occurring outside my four walled room in those precious two years? May be I was, so I cleared JEE. It’s really bewildering to note that not a single student studies at their home, the reason being the business, which keeps the students involved at work if HE is at home. Yes, the girls were and even today are given little attention towards their study! The condition of girls is pitiable having the same condition as that of boys a decade ago with only a few numbers to pass their tenth standards. Not studying at home, students do combined study at places which is completely a local place of the village and the "new home" is completely free of family members. What to be said in praise of these space providers for study, the owners of the place do not charge a single rupee but provide electricity and water availability too. Such places are worth visiting in the area with total number of such centers being more than 15 with no owner charging anything. Each center contains about 5 to 7 BOYS studying at a place and with full cooperation. That is what we use to call it a "Combined Study".
I am also a product of one these centers and like me my friends from that center has been to some good colleges if not to IITs. We have been thus replaced by our successors (juniors), to continue the trend of academic excellence and adding to the count of engineers to our much familiar, PATWATOLI. One notable thing, the seniors who qualify from these centers become an inspiration to these youngsters, thus seniors regularly visit these centers benefiting these aspirants to the full extent. Honestly speaking, I had not cleared JEE had these seniors not inspired me because I was an average student till my 10th and if any one indulged in me inspirations to compete for JEE, it were my seniors and obviously my respected teachers of Gaya. Thanks to them, all they have given me. Many people question at the result comparing the place with KOTA (So called The Heaven for IIT JEE), I really feel the person needs a slap on his face. Kota admits the creams of INDIA; Patwatoli admits the rest and turns it into an IITian. Yet, looking to the percentage of students appearing from these two places, Patwatoli outstands Kota. The creams of Gaya do not stay there; perhaps the fee of coaching for IIT JEE preparation is so meager. People today compare the fee structure to decide the better institutes to admit their wards to coaching centers; higher the fee, higher the priority to the institute. If supernatural thrust exists, I must admit one of its centers is in PATWATOLI. The teachers here are surely next to GOD who even teach those students who can't afford even the meager fee, taking no cost.
Finally, our seniors in 2000 felt the need of a GROUP to uplift the society in many respects, the most important being "Female Education". The group emerged as NAVPRAYAS (A Group of Innovative Thoughts). The members comprised only those persons of the locality who are studying outside in some colleges. Thus the popularity of Patwatoli came up with finally the popularity of NAVPRAYAS. To the delight of its members, parents today are giving equal attention to both girls and boys in study. These have been possible by everlasting and persevere efforts by NP members.
VIDYAJYOTI, a female study centre runs under NAVPRAYAS, the cost being totally funded by our alumni, has proved a boon to the society. The institution does not prepare them for any competitive exams rather looking an eye over future they are taught the importance of study and “education for all”. They are just provided with the primary knowledge like how to keep one’s home happy, how to lead her child to ensure a successful future. Perhaps media, yes, media just listens these as a boring old story and comes again straight to their point, so lets us take some interesting shots…

As stated, the first time media struck our society was when I studied class 11th. That year, 6 of our seniors had qualified IIT JEE. The media came up in our study centre (called HOME CENTRE) with those selected guys to take some shots. We were also caught in the video with one of my seniors teaching all of us. Finally when I watched it on the TV, some additional shots were seen which were taken in my absence, with our seniors operating the machines that weave clothes. In general, every person of the locality has the same profession of producing clothes. But the guardians never allow their children to operate these machines. It is at this point that I feel really sorry the way media insulted our parents. I wonder, even my seniors did not feel bad giving wrong information to the world, with letting them shoot what ever they said. They even spoke in their interviews that they used to study at night and work at home for the whole day, which was also a statement constituted by the media person. Really, what a crime is it!!!!
It was the first time I had encountered a media, which put in me a heinous feeling towards its coward act. Since then I started doubting each news the media put before the public. I remember, once I saw an article which had praised a Rickshaw puller who qualified IAS reading at night and riding his rickshaw in the day to earn and to buy the reference books. I bet the article was the same case as that of PATWATOLI. The man had qualified IAS but his livelihood must have been different. What do the media get deceiving and deluding public?
Anyway, time passed by, a day came when it was our chance to be the members of NAVPRAYAS, once we got selected in our respective competitions. I along with six more got selected in JEE. The media persons came running by us again to ask for some good shots. I asked them for the types of shots they wanted to take. The types are only decided by them if the person at the front is not "MY" type. They wanted to take the same shot having handloom as the background as if I read whole of two years driving these looms, with workers on leave.lolz...
They also asked for some shots with switches of all light providing gadgets off and studying under the light of candles, not even lamp.
We used to study under lamps, due to the lack of electricity which is a very usual phenomenon in a city like GAYA.
But I could no longer tolerate the drama created by the media and asked if they wanted to show the people any reality. They resisted very brilliantly with trying to convince my parents to allow them to take the take. But I was adamant. Calmly they walked away my home searching for rest six to get the shots. And they succeeded too!!..Once again they succeeded in taking the shots they wanted. Media, congrats once again, and congrats to you buddy, you are giving a nice shot on the biggest mode of communication, though a chilling LIE.


Blogger Rahul said...

didn't know go through the entire post.. 'coz i have heard most of it from rajeev umpteen times... but a good effort... aur woh article kaun sa hai... link??

3:15 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Yugesh,

Nice article man .. nicely written :)) .. How come we people are not aware of your blog.

11:39 PM  
Blogger yugesh said...

the link is

11:16 PM  
Blogger yugesh said...

@pawan bhaiya..
thnx for such a lively comment bhaiya..hope i'll be graced with ur visit upteem number of times..[:)]

11:18 PM  

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